Enloe Arts Guild Fundraising
7 arts disciplines
13 teachers
500+ students =
An amazing program worth every dollar of our support!
EAG Fundraising helps to organize a variety of fundraisers throughout the year to provide department-wide support, and to provide funding to specific classrooms and teachers as the needs arise.
EAG Fundraising efforts include:
Sponsorships * Concessions * Flower Sales * Donut Sales * Spirit Wear * Special Events
EAG Fundraising proceeds have provided:
Auditorium projector / Stage rigging
Costume design form / Sheet Music
Kiln installation / Storage furniture
Video production camera / Instrument Strings
Piano / Paint and art supplies
Director’s Chair / And so much more!
EAG Fundraising goals:
To continue to improve our fundraising efforts!
To expand our fundraising initiatives!
To attract more interested and available parents to join our team!
Please reach out to join our EAG Fundraising Committee!
Or email with any ideas or feedback to help make our fundraising efforts more successful.
7 arts disciplines
13 teachers
500+ students =
An amazing program worth every dollar of our support!
EAG Fundraising helps to organize a variety of fundraisers throughout the year to provide department-wide support, and to provide funding to specific classrooms and teachers as the needs arise.
EAG Fundraising efforts include:
Sponsorships * Concessions * Flower Sales * Donut Sales * Spirit Wear * Special Events
EAG Fundraising proceeds have provided:
Auditorium projector / Stage rigging
Costume design form / Sheet Music
Kiln installation / Storage furniture
Video production camera / Instrument Strings
Piano / Paint and art supplies
Director’s Chair / And so much more!
EAG Fundraising goals:
To continue to improve our fundraising efforts!
To expand our fundraising initiatives!
To attract more interested and available parents to join our team!
Please reach out to join our EAG Fundraising Committee!
Or email with any ideas or feedback to help make our fundraising efforts more successful.